Reviews Recordings Publications And So...
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Oratorio – Ancient and Modern.

Lest you should think that this is all far too highbrow, he has also given a lecture-recital on music and food – If Music be the Love of Food – which demonstrates his other love...cooking, if not eating. He has a large collection of books on this subject – as many as on music – and reads them like novels: How to carve a leg of lamb properly was one of the many things that he learnt from Geoffrey Parsons (one of the 20th century's greatest accompanists, and long-term partner of MRB's singing teacher, Erich Vietheer). However MRB, not being terribly keen on washing-up, has no books on this subject at all! There is a long-suffering resident dishwasher, though, who shares an interest in crosswords.
If you love food you must love the French, and therefore French Music...(well, you wouldn’t have got this far otherwise)...which leads naturally to Widor – a consummate aesthete, performer, composer, gourmet and general bon viveur (not the impression given by most of his photographs!) – and there’s still more...
Reviews Recordings Publications And so...